We finally got the internet at our home so now I can keep up with this.
Brett finally arrived home on September 22nd. Wow time has gone by so quickly since then. I felt like Sept 22nd was never going to get here, and now its came and gone. FEW!
Picking him up was the neatest experience of my life. I will never ever forget it.
That day was so hectic, I almost lost my job. The original email I recieved was that his plane was not due to arrive until 9 pm that night, so I figured "eh I'll get off work at 2, go home and clean and still have time to get ready and pick him up" NEGATIVE ghost rider. I should have known better and just taken the day off of work. I got an email on my phone (thank goodness i have that) saying that the plane flew straight from Ireland instead of stopping in Maine so they would now be arriving at 6. Yes thats right 6 pm. I kinda of, for lack of a better word began to shit my pants at that moment. It was 10 am and I was at work and our house was a mess AND I had a bunch of errands to run before hand. SOOOO I talked with all of the other CNA's and they all agreed that I needed to leave ASAP and that they would cover my hall for the remaining time. I went to my boss explained my situation and told her I needed to leave by 12. We both began to try and find someone to come in and cover the rest of the shift, but all attempts failed. At oh about 1130 my boss came to me and told me that if I did not have a replacement she could not let me leave until my shift was over. .. You can imagine my face when she told me that. My first instinct was to punch her in the eyeball and then start crying because I had waited 2 weeks shy of 5 months to see my man and there was no way I was staying until 2. Pretty much I just looked at her and told her that weather or not my shift was covered, I was leaving at 12 and if they needed to fire me over that they could. Long story short I left at 12 not knowing if I had my job or not. (Which in about a month and a half wouldn't matter much anyways)
ANYWAYS I rushed to my mom's picked up the sign I had made ran and got it laminated and rushed home to clean. Luckily I had help and I got my house clean in a short min. As I mentioned before his plane was do to arrive at 6, not 615 not 630, 6. At 530 I realized " OH SUGAR HONEY ICE TEA!" We better leave. We made it to the hanger just in time to hear they were on final approach. Oh yes I was sick to my stomach. Now in case you don't know what a hanger is, it's this great big huge massive shed like thing that planes are put in (i think). Well that was stuffed full of 180 soldiers familys and friends. When it was time they opened up the hanger doors (pretty much huge closet doors opening) and let the family's with little children stand up front and all the women who had babies during the deployment got to stand WAYYY in front and got to see their soldier first (that was pretty cool). They had veterans lining both sides of us (like a run way) with flags, it was so patriotic and an awesome feeling. Pretty soon you see this HUGE military plane being taxied over to us. I am sure you can just imagine the cheers, tears and screams from all of us anxious and thankful families. The plane sat there for what seemed like an eternity. While we were waiting for them to step off the plane I got a phone call from Brett. Oh yes my heart sank. For once a normal phone! YAY! We sat there for another good 20 mins until we saw the first soldiers step off the plane onto the stairs (just a teaser). I was ecstatic, well everyone was. That was until the commander ran up the stairs and pushed everyone back onto the plane. WHAT WHAT??? COME BACK! Apparently they had to sit through a customs speech before they could be released. BORRRIIING! Ok ok ok so finally they all began to unload. I sat and I waited and I waited AND WAITED until finally I saw my baldy walking down the stairs. WAAAAAHHHOOOOOOOO!!!!! I was on my tippy tippy toes trying to watch where he was going to end up so I could meet him. FINALLY, I spotted him kind of wandering out and around the crowd of people and I did the fastest Oprah walk (faster than Oprah). I kind of bombarded him and jumped into his arms. It was the weirdest feeling ever. I was so excited to finally have him home, but at the same time it was kind of like I was hugging a stranger. Me and my whole family made shirts that said "Team Sorenson" on them, just in case he got lost. Anywho it was so awesome to see all these little kids so happy to see their mother/father and all the spouses elated to finally hold their other half. Of course media was there, and I am happy to report the back of me made it on there.
I have a bunch of pictures, but my ma got them developed instead of put on a CD so I have to scan them first. Which will take and eternity as well, so bare with me, I am hurrying!
Hey Jandi I am going private with my blog and need your email address!
That sounds so cool. My sister in law leaves for Iraq next week from Germany I wish I could be there to see her off or for her homecoming I've heard they are really neat.
How exciting!! I am so happy for you to finally have him back! I can't even imagine!! You are one strong girl! I can't wait to see pics! :) and I want to see more of your cute house!
Oh sugar honey ice tea!!! I member that day, you were a hag from hell. We felt bad for Brett to have to deal with you, so mom made a special trip to drop off your much needed medicine!!!!!
Jandi I am so glad to hear your man made it home safe and things are going so well for you!!
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