Sunday, November 23, 2008


So each day in my life incidents happen, or I hear of incidents that have happened that make me think in my head "ARE YOU SERIOUS??". I have no tolerance for ignorant ppl and as it turns out I encounter quite a few of them every week. So I am going to call this section of my blog, "ARE YOU SERIOUS!" . I would like to share a few of these incidents.

We all feel the crunch of these times and how money just isn't stretching as far as it used to (in my case it never has stretched). Well occasionally you run into a person who thinks that you are made of money. Example: Once upon a time this lady came in to the salon (a frequent dyer) to get her hair colored and cut, WELL when it was time for her to pay she says to the hairdresser "Could you hold my check until next week? I had to help my son pay his cell phone bill so I won't have the money in my account until next week!" (this is where i say) ARE YOU SERIOUS???? So the hairdress being caught very off guard doesn't quite know what to say. All she can manage is "Is this the only way you can pay?". This client responds "yeah sorry, my sons phone would have been turned off it he didn't pay the bill!". Ok again ARE YOU SERIOUS?? Who in their right mind makes a hair appointment fully aware they won't have the money and just expects the hairdresser to hold the check until she gets paid. I mean honest to hell how friggen ignorant are you to think that that's ok to do. I was totally sickened when I heard this incident, I was ready to track down "miss inconsiderate" and give her a piece of my mind. You don't do that to someone. That is like me going to walmart taking a snickers, hurry and hoover it and when I go to pay I say to the clerk "ya know what I just don't have enough money to pay for this here snickers I just devoured, could you hold my check until next week to cover the cost?!" IG-NOR-ANT PEOPLE!

#2- (oh yes there is more)
When I am sick, I stay cooped up in the house and for the most part under the covers until I start feeling better, to me that is what you do when you are sick. Apparently for a select few ppl they like to go to public places i.e the salon to get their hair done. ARE YOU SERIOUS???? Onve upon a time there was this lady who shows up for her scheduled hair apt a little, no wait, ALOT under the weather. I mean this lady had the goobers in her eyes, the non-brushed breath smell and the greasy lookin hair crap goin on. She sits down in the hair dressers chair and says " Yeah I went to the Doctor, he says I have bronchitis (mean while hacking up a lung)". Ok ARE YOU SERIOUS??? In this salon the Nail lady is listening in and is thinking to herself "you ignorant hag, my bronchioles are very healthy at the moment and I DO NOT feel the need to contract bronchitis at this time." Sometimes I really wonder to myself how this poor hairdresser does not stab the scissors into the top of their head and say "Well guess what, now you have a brain bleed, you better go get that checked out and leave ASAP. We would certainly hate to see you loose any brain function" (if there is any in the first place). For hell sakes people stay home and cough on your own family, cause i'm pretty sure that if I ever run into a situation like that with someone I am going to medicate you myself and I don't think it's legal at this time.

#3- (Still not done)
When I have a Doctors apt that last thing I think about is bringing children with me. BUUUUTT some ignorant fetchers don't understand that when other people are not feeling well and are waiting to see the doctor they DO NOT want to listen to little SCREAMING satans running around and snotting all over the place. Some people feel in neccissary to bring the whole brood when they are the only ones seeing the Doctor. I mean I completely understand that it is hard to find a sitter sometimes when you really need one, but that doesn't mean load up the short bus and bring in all your spaun with you when you are the only one seeing the Dr. Reschedule your apt for another time when you can find a sitter. This one time there was this girl who worked in a Dr's office and one of their patients walks in with 3 lil ducklings in tow, ARE YOU SERIOUS?. The girl thinks "hmm maybe they are all here to see the Doc, it is a great possibility". Well her thoughts were wrong. The mother was the only one to be seen by the Doc this day. I bet the mother thought to herself before she left home "I bet the employess and other patients of this Doctor are just dying to meet my children, and they really want to hear them fight over puzzles and how many suckers they each get, SOOO i better take them all so everyone will get the joy of meeting them!" ARE YOU SERIOUS LADY???? Your children are the spaun of satan I am sure about that and all they have done the whole time is run around and irritate not only the girl but everyone else is the office while you just sit there in oblivian thinking your children are so loved by all! Nothing is more irritating then when you see parents COMPLETELY ignore their out of control children and go on about their business while other have to listen to them. RUDE RUDE RUDE!

This completes todays section of "ARE YOU SERIOUS?". I know you are all prly thinking I am the most negative angry person around, but I assure you I am the complete opposite. It is just things like the above that really get under my skin. I felt the need to share with all. Please feel free to share any incidents in which you felt a little voice in your head say "ARE YOU SERIOUS?


Jen said...

LOL! Go Jandi!!! I totally agree with you!

Anonymous said...

While I totally agree I am finding myself wondering if you have your medicine!?!?

Vance & Holly Marler said...

I totally agree with you! This just happens to be part of the reason why i get sick ALL THE TIME! People come into the salon for hair or nail appointments even when they are on their death bed! Ahh! pisses me off!

Our Little Norman Life! said...

Haha!! Loved loved loved it! So i decided to share my own ARE YOU SERIOUS!! Ha!
So we have our brand new bundle of joy here now and i'm trying like hell to keep anyone who has recently, Is currently, or thinks they're getting sick away from her. Well I had someone ask if i was going to thanksgiving with her and i was like Hmm are you kidding me she's only 6 days old but instead just said no she's to little. Then they proceeded with ok well we need to come out and see her this weekend. So i explained the whole can't come see her if you've been, currently are, or think you're getting sick. So they decide to tell me Oh well we won't be able to come for a little while then because we've all got colds! I was like WHAT IN THE HELL!! Why would you even ask if you could come see her on thanksgiving or that weekend IF YOU KNEW YOU WERE SICK!!! I was so annoyed. Seriously some people need to use that lump above their shoulders. If i hadn't of said anything they'd of showed up completely sick and i would've had to send their yucky asses home! I was so annoyed!! So i loved reading this post because i seriously something wonder why people don't use their head at all!

Romero's said...

lol that is funny..How are you? I miss you all tons and tons. I am glad things are finally going good for you.

Romero's said...

You all just need to call me so that I can catch up on all the gossip! and I need to catch you all up. Call me when you get this. 602-316-2599

+ Heather + said...

I miss you on here! Come back please!!!!!!

Love you!

Romero's said...

I need your email address cause I am blocking my blog